Friday, August 27, 2021

How to make a paper plane

 This is how you make a paper plane.It is very easy.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 Today I made  a graph from this in formation.

Here is a picture of the graph.Purple is female blue is male and brown is Maori.There are 117 in total.

Quality blog Comments

 Today I did some learning about quality blog comments.It was mostly easy.Here are the slides.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Geometry Dash on Scratch

 Today I made the game Geometry Dash on Scratch.It took me a while but I made the game.It only has 3 levels.Here are some pictures.

And here is a picture of the code.(only part of the code :( )

Fale points

 Today I made a graph this week about the Fale points.Here is a picture.

I used the information from this picture.I made the graph on google sheets.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Flappy Bird on Scratch

Today I made a flappy bird game on scratch. It's pretty hard but kind of fun. Here are some pictures.

That's how the start looks like.(level 1)To get to level 2 you have to touch the red line to go to level 2.

This is level 2.The line changes and it takes more longer to get to the line.Also you may have noticed that the line has changed colour.

This is level 3. You may like the back ground and the level is more longer even if it doesn't look longer.

This is the last level.You can see the yellow circles.Those are coins.You may be wondering what those black pillars are.They are pipes that you have to go through and you may be wondering how you do all those stuff so here is a picture of the code for all the sprites.

I know it's a LOT of code bu it's worth it.Sorry I can't share the project.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Scratch Fly project

 Today I made a project in Scratch. I made a person with a jet pack and then if you press space bar you start to go up a bit then start going down and there are black rectangles that have a gap in it you have to go through it.  Here are some pictures.

Here is a picture of the code. Unfortunately I can't share it. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Minecraft Maori world

 At school I made a Maori world in minecraft. I know it's weird but we were allowed create anything we want.Here are some pictures.

This is magma river.There are lots of magma blocks in the river and because of the magma there are no fish because the bubbles pull them down to the hot magma and they get cooked🍳.

This is a ship⚑ that is being attacked by warriors and a bit further there is a little boat coming and is going to try to sneak in the ship.

This is the flooded village.In flooded village there are some houses a watch tower and a giant giant flag⚑.

This is the weird village.In weird village there is a giant weird tree🌴,weird houses🏚, a farm and a crazy weird dropper map (HARD).