Monday, October 18, 2021

4 steps in how to be responsible

How to be responsible

  1. Take care of your stuff
  2. Don't throw stuff everywhere
  3. Don't jump on the couch
  4. Finish your home work on time


  1. Kia Ora Huzaifa, Thanks for sharing your blog - it is very short and sweet!
    Sounds like you have some rules around being responsible at home. Can you think of some other ways you are responsible for being the best you can be?

  2. Kia ora Huzaifa😬
    Your rules sound being responsible at home are very important rules for your whole family to follow 👏👏👏especially the looking after your belongings and finishing your home work on time !
    What rules can you list or come up with, around being responsible at School. What would this look like? 🧐🧐🧐
    A loverly reminder about being responsible for our selves Thank you ! 😋
