Friday, July 30, 2021

Matariki on scratch

Today I made a scratch project about matariki.I took pictures to show you.By the way The link to my Scratch project.

Also the here is the picture of the code.Sorry but i don't know how to share my project on scratch.

If you click on the star this will show up.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Matariki Scratch project

 In scratch we made a matariki project.Below is a picture of my matariki project.

In my scratch project I coded the yellow stars so if you hover over the stars it will say its name and there are nine stars in my picture and place them in places where they are supposed to be.I made this project because it is matariki and this is a picture how the stars say their name and the code.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Fale House Points for Week 9

At school we made a graph using the picture of Fale points from week 9. I used the information from the picture at the top.
From this graph I can see ;
  • Rata has the most points (3600) and is the tallest.
  • Totara is second and has 3482 points and is 10 points more than Kowhai.
  • Kowhai is third and has 3472 points.
  • Kauri has 3311 points and as you can see Kauri is fourth place.
I think it is possible for Kauri to catch up to Rata but I think it is unlikely.Kauri will need 200 points a day to catch up normally teams earn 60 points a day.